Season Three Trailer Transcript

Ariel Lavery: The wait is almost over. 

(music starts)

Ariel Lavery: In two weeks we’re in it: the rural side, that is, of this country’s stories on women’s health, the ones we’ve heard, and the ones we haven’t.

Tamara Dean: Either, you know, it's so exceptional that she had so many abortions that they had to make a note of it and or maybe this doctor is trying to make an example out of her. 

Ariel Lavery: I’ll take you with me....  

Darren Foreman: This program is a throwback to the olden days where…your doctor would come to your house on the horse and buggy or in the car when they needed something. 

Ariel Lavery:  …to meet some people whose lives revolve around the wellbeing of women, and the women themselves, living in the rural corners of America. 

Ariel Lavery: I’m trying to get at the bigger picture…

Anna Lavareda: Why is the world set up to, like, kind of destroy people? (laugh)

Ariel Lavery: …as seen through the eyes of our small communities.

Dr. Laura Schwab Reese: Mental health is a really significant challenge in rural areas.  

On-site patient: I actually had a real small breakdown shortly after having her. They were like really you’d rather just not have her? And I was like, oh yeah! I’d rather just not have the baby than have to deal with the loss of the baby.  

Ariel Lavery: For the women and girls who live here, how does the available healthcare exclude them? Especially when they don’t fall into the same category as most patients.  

Jennifer: We already have, you know, not enough mental health providers anyway, much less trans affirming therapists in you know the middle of nowhere where we are.

(theme music swells)

JoAnne Wheeler Bland: It never went away. It was 24-7. 

Ariel Lavery: And how do they cope?

Darren: I have gone literally under bridges to find people and take them to their appointments.  

Ariel Lavery: I’ll bring you stories of people/communities overcoming the odds. It’s a place I didn’t expect to land this season. But, because of what I’ve heard, I’ve happily found myself reveling in the possibilities. 

Anna Lavareda: Living in an area where people kind of share that lived experience is helpful.  

Darren Foreman: This couldn’t have probably happened in a metropolitan area. It really couldn’t. Out in the country here we help each other. 

Anna Lavereda: The antidote to anything is community.